Thursday, May 07, 2009

...and Thank You for Your Knowledge!

After my last post it was kindly pointed out to me that we often give away far more than our time. We often give our "attention, consideration, information, the benefit of our knowledge and experience, advice etc" (thank you - you know who you are!).

I guess we should all be factoring the value of these things into our pricing too. How many of us don't? How can you put a price on knowledge learned over many, many years? I know I personally find it difficult. But all these things have a value that often isn't immediately recognised.

Maybe next time we finish a meeting we'll all remember to say thank you! A general thank you for everything shared and not just time! And when you put a price on that next job remember to include a sum for the more intagible things you give too! As well as pricing your time, put a price on your knowledge and experience too.

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