Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A brand is a promise - you are the talent.

I read this in an article by one of my clients, Molly Harvey. Out of all the things in the article this was the phrase that stuck in my mind. Molly writes and speaks so brilliantly well it's hard to single out just one thing but this phrase shouted at me.

I suppose it made me think about our own branding and what it is telling and more importantly are we living up to the expectations the brand is setting. I hope so - I've always thought of myself as a bit of a perfectionist. In fact my work experience boy, Sean, described me as just that. He considers my standards are very high and aspires to be the same when he enters the real working world.

So what does your branding say about you and are you delivering on it's promises? Does it promise quality? People make a very quick judgement as to what they think of you - is your branding letting you down? Maybe it is time to take a fresh look at how other people see your company. And make sure you deliver on those promises.

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