Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, here is the first entry of 2008. We hope everyone had a great break.

It's back to business for all of us here at WBa and the meeting next week is set to be a good one with some old faces coming back and a few new ones attending too.

We can't remind you enough how important regular attendance is to make the most of any networking group. Talking to the same individuals week after week means that they get to know you. People recommend people they know well and trust. And you get to know them and trust them too!

Some networking groups rely on the fact that you have paid good money to join and will recommend others in the group just because they are in the group. At WBa that is not only NOT true but we discourage it. Your reputation is at stake when you offer a recommendation so you should only recommend those you know and trust. And I've first hand experience of why!

So regular attendance is required to make the most of any networking group, especially if money isn't changing hands. People won't feel obliged to recommend you - they will recommend you because they think you are an appropriate person for the job! And that counts for far more!

So we'd like to see as many faces as possible EVERY month for 2008. If you make one resolution this year make to be at WBa EVERY month - no excuses! Let's build our success TOGETHER!

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