Thursday, October 02, 2008

Eventfull days

What a day,

Yesterday was an eventful day. I had a job to go and photograph an engineering firm that makes screws. This involved being there from about 9am BST. The day started with me asking the director what he wanted me to shoot. (I had already asked him in a email) he said your the creative one I will leave it to you.. Bugger I thought no direction being given, what shall I do? So I just wandered around the factory looking and talking to the staff. Eventually I got my lights out and set them up and found out where all the wall sockets were. I started to take some pictures of the machines that were making the threads, on speaking to one of the men working on a machine I found out that the threads they were making were not being cut as I thought they were but they were being impressed and squashed to form the heads and threads. These all come from a roll of heavy guage wire that is fed into a machine at one end and at the other end they come out as threads. Truly a clever stuff. I had to spend the day here shooting anything that looked interesting. It's amazing how dirty I got while walking around and shooting. This is a company that sells all over the world even to China (Wow) and they were saying that things were quite for them but they had plans to market in a much larger way. This is definitly a company going places. At the end of the day as I was putting my gear away I found it was very mucky as there was grease on the wires. I asked for a cloth and was wiping my kit down with it to see loads of grease come of the wires etc. Prior to doing this shoot I had been shooting the threads etc in my studio for the websight and publicity.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What bugs me most about....

OK, so I've been really slack and not kept this blog as up-to-date as I should have but I've been soooo busy.

Something that has really bugged me this week is yet another example of small businesses being ripped off by other small businesses. You think we'd stick together but oh no. Some people prey on the naivety of others. We can't all understand everything.

As an IT bod I feel it's my duty to educate those who don't understand IT. They should be given the facts plain and simple. All the facts. They should end up with enough of an understanding to make an informed choice.

They don't have to be able to do it themselves - just understand what the options are. If somebody doesn't understand something I've explained then it's my fault for not explaining properly not theirs for being a bit dense. Nobody is totally stupid but some people need a simpler explanation.

Telling your customer that you need to take over hosting of the site to make changing it 'easier' is a whole load of hogwash. Then charging an extortionate price for the privilege is just plain theft.

It doesn't matter where a website lives so long as the servers it lives on support it and you have access to it. Those servers could be in Outer Mongolia or in a bedroom in Brimstage - it really doesn't matter.

SO the lesson for today is find out as much as you can about what you want to do before you let others advise you into expensive decisions. Ask around. Ask what your friends and business acquaintances are paying for their hosting. Look on the Internet and see what the mainstreams are charging. Then you'll have an idea if what you've been quoted is reasonable or not. Don't take anything at face value.

Ask us and we'll give you an honest opinion - no charge.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Photographic Expeditions around Liverpool

Hi I am about to launch Photographic Expeditions around Liverpool. The tours start from 1 hour duration. To join me please phone or email 0151 708 7392 Mobile 07761 725 932

You will be needed to use your own camera and perhaps a tripod especially for evening photography. I will take out a maximum of 6 people. If you have a larger group then do please contact me to make arrangements. I can organise a whole days shoot if needed but you will need to book with me in advance.

All the tours are walking.

Example:- the tours can be the two cathedrals along Hope Street stopping on route for pictures. This tour will take an hour. The idea for this is that I can help you to learn how to use the manual part of the camera and to get you off using automatic. It's more technical than just showing you places to take pictures.

Monday, February 04, 2008

New Look Web Site Launched

Well February is here already and with it comes the relaunch of the WBa website. It's got a whole fresh new look and much more information.

New sections include more about who WBa are, the importance of Networking, tips on effective networking and more. So take a look and let us know what you think

The meeting this month is set to be quite full - we have some bookings through Business Scene so a big thanks to Eric for the ads. And the new look site is already generating more interest so we are looking forward to the meeting.

Networking tip for this bulletin is:

Listen - good listeners make the most successful networkers. You listen so you know what the other person is looking for and you might just hear a need that you can fulfill.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, here is the first entry of 2008. We hope everyone had a great break.

It's back to business for all of us here at WBa and the meeting next week is set to be a good one with some old faces coming back and a few new ones attending too.

We can't remind you enough how important regular attendance is to make the most of any networking group. Talking to the same individuals week after week means that they get to know you. People recommend people they know well and trust. And you get to know them and trust them too!

Some networking groups rely on the fact that you have paid good money to join and will recommend others in the group just because they are in the group. At WBa that is not only NOT true but we discourage it. Your reputation is at stake when you offer a recommendation so you should only recommend those you know and trust. And I've first hand experience of why!

So regular attendance is required to make the most of any networking group, especially if money isn't changing hands. People won't feel obliged to recommend you - they will recommend you because they think you are an appropriate person for the job! And that counts for far more!

So we'd like to see as many faces as possible EVERY month for 2008. If you make one resolution this year make to be at WBa EVERY month - no excuses! Let's build our success TOGETHER!