Friday, December 15, 2006


Well the Christmas meal went really well. Lots of food was eaten and plenty of drink flowed, non alcoholic for the drivers of course.

Ideas were bandied around the table and the world generally put to rights. The new website ( was discussed and of course this new blog!

Everybody is looking forward to the New Year and the next WBa meeting.


Anonymous said...

Really good night. Good food (recommend the Chimmneys pub!) Plenty of enjoyable conversation.

Looking forward to the January meeting. Hopefully we'll be seeing some new faces along with the ususal suspects

Anonymous said...

Yes, last night was amazing. Thank you to everyone who joined us. Sharing business and pleasuer can really work! For me, the secret is choosing the right people to share with. And this is precisely why WBa will become the "créme de la créme" group to be associated with for 2007. Members join by invitation only.

Already we are excited about the January meeting.

Meantime I hope everyone has a super time over this festive season.

Blessings and Abundance,

Agnes - Linkage Point