Friday, November 16, 2007

Xmas is coming

Well, Christmas is on the way so next month's meeting will be a purely social occasion. We plan to just sit down to a great meal and have plenty of chat!

Those who attended Novembers meeting are probably already aware of the Christmas meal. We hope to see as many faces as possible there, old and new. All we ask is that you let JK know that you want to come so we can let the venue know numbers by the end of November. We don't want the kitchen to suddenly panic thinking they actually have to 'feed' us next month!

Since the November meeting was such a success we hope to capitalise on that and launch 2008 with a bang. So tell all your friends they are invited on January 9th.

If anybody has any special requests for the meetings next year just drop us a line. We'll certainly see what we can arrange!