Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Don't Aid the spammers - part 1

I for one would rather not receive those emails from friends and colleagues warning me of yet another email to beware of. Why? Because most of these are just another hoax! It's another form of spam and the spammers are using YOU to help them pass it on!

Now you wouldn't pass on an email offering you an 'enhancement' would you? So why pass on other forms of spam.

If you are concerned that your fellow man might fall foul of that nasty virus if you don't warn them immediately STOP! Think about it seriously for a moment. 99% of these are just another hoax. If you'd like to check it for yourself then it's really easy!

1. Identify the title of the email or a key word in it, e.g. Olympic Torch (purportedly a very nasty virus which wipes your hard drive!)

2. Copy and paste it into Google and add the word 'hoax' to the search term.

3. Hit 'search' and see what comes back. If it's a hoax then the search results (hundreds probably) will tell you so.

4. Email the person who sent it to you and tell them it's a hoax - they obviously didn't know or they wouldn't have sent it.

5. Educate them - point them in the direction of this post! Then they will know too!

Don't stay in the dark ages, let's put a STOP to Spam! Together!

Please ask all your friends and colleagues to read this now, let's pass something that will benefit the whole Internet community for a change!